Spring Cleaning your digital life!

Hi friends! We welcome you back for our final installment for Spring Cleaning! if you missed the previous blogs, you can find Part One HERE, or you can find Part Two HERE!

We welcome you back to our personal favorite, and possibly the most important - Spring Cleaning your digital life! If you are like us constantly getting bombarded with facebook notifications, instagram tags, pinterest updates, or a slew of emails just hanging out in your inbox, this is for you! In a world that thrives off social media, sometimes its needed and helpful to reset and take a step back. Just like our physical spaces, our digital realms can use a good spring cleaning too. With these tips, you can declutter your digital life so you can feel calm and content when you are checking the latest updates from your favorite people or brands.

This blog is PACKED with information so feel free to share it with your friends who might also be struggling with digital clutter, and if you don’t have time to tackle it all right now, save it and come back later for more!

First up, lets tackle that social media clutter. Ah, Facebook, the virtual neighborhood where everyone knows your name (and what you had for breakfast). Take a stroll down your friends' list and ask yourself: "Do I still engage with this person? Do they bring positivity into my life?" If the answer is "not really," it might be time to hit that "unfriend" or button. On Instagram, take a peak at the accounts you follow. If they aren’t lifting you up, encouraging, or providing some information or comical value to your life - its time to unfollow! (Trust me, I am keeping all my favorite food bloggers and funny mommas on my IG!) Remember, it's not about quantity but quality when it comes to your digital connections.

Now, onto our smartphones, our trusty sidekicks in this digital age (Somebody please tell me you remember the ACTUAL sidekick phones that had a keyboard that popped out! Brb, taking a stroll down memory lane). Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your photo gallery and stumbling upon blurry pictures of your thumb? Or a screenshot of something that is no longer relevent? Ohh, even better, when your kiddos get a hold of your phone and take 147,248,273 pictures of grass?? Guilty as charged! Let's do ourselves a .favor and clear out those unnecessary snaps. Save the memories that spark joy, and bid farewell to the rest. And hey, don't forget to back up those precious photos to the cloud or an external hard drive. You never know when a mishap might strike, and trust me, future you will thank present you for being proactive.

Now moving on to the dreaded inbox—a jungle of newsletters, promotional emails, and that one email chain you never asked to be a part of. Take a deep breath and dive in. Unsubscribe from those newsletters you never read (you know the ones), and consider setting up filters to organize incoming emails automatically. Your inbox should be a place of zen, not chaos.

PRO-TIP: The BEST time to unsubscribe from promotional emails is after a big holiday. Most retailers will feature sales or discount codes of some sort for a holiday promotion so I can guarantee they will be at the top of your inbox. Watch your email around New Year, Memorial Day, Presidents Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving / Black Friday, or Christmas to get off any list you no longer wish to be apart of!

Let's not forget about our digital documents and downloads! Take some time to go through your folders and delete any outdated files or duplicates. Your desktop or laptop will thank you for the breathing room, and you'll feel like a digital Marie Kondo in no time.

.Last but not least, let's talk about digital habits. Are there any apps or platforms that you mindlessly scroll through, only to feel drained afterward? Maybe it's time to reassess your screen time and allocate it to activities that truly bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, or pursuing a hobby, make time for the things that nourish your soul.

So there you have it, folks—a friendly reminder to spruce up your digital life. Remember, decluttering isn't just about creating space—it's about making room for the things that truly matter. So let's roll up our sleeves, declutter those digital spaces, and make room for more joy, creativity, and connection in our lives. Happy spring cleaning!


Where to Donate your decluttered items in lubbock, texas (updated spring 2024!)


part two: spring decluttering special areas of your home!